Réglages pour un tableau généré par gtsummary, le plus souvent tbl_summary (avec une variable de tri & des tests statistiques).
tabph(gtsummary::tbl_summary(patients[,1:4],by =sexe), nn = 2, nomv = "Sexe", normx = FALSE)
#> The following errors were returned during `add_p()`:
#> ✖ For variable `admission` (`sexe`) and "p.value" statistic: The package
#> "cardx" (>= 0.2.2) is required.
#> ✖ For variable `age` (`sexe`) and "p.value" statistic: The package "cardx" (>=
#> 0.2.2) is required.
#> ✖ For variable `lieudevie1` (`sexe`) and "p.value" statistic: The package
#> "cardx" (>= 0.2.2) is required.
N = 211
N = 291
1 Médiane (Q1 – Q3); n (%)